Your Foam, 2021 © Foam. Photo: Almichael Fraay.jpg

Your Foam

Your Foam invests in expanding the current programming for MBO students. On one hand, this is realised by programmes that connect to the subject citizenship, on the other hand by working towards a fitting programme for individual students by collaborating with them.

Your Foam invests in a sustainable relation with MBO students. At the moment, Foam reaches most students through school programmes visited by groups. Inspired by the exhibitions programme, these groups attend tours and workshops with various themes based on the photographers’ work. In 2020 the first interdisciplinary team of MBO students was formed with the assignment to create, organise and produce their own event in Foam. This resulted in successful events like Where is my nature? and Connect: Amsterdam is Your Foam, where the museum was taken over by youth. As of September 2021, the third team will start with their own programme.

Your Foam team 2021

Every school year a new interdisciplinary team of students starts which is connected to Foam for 6 to 8 months. The goal of the project is to create a learning and work experience for both the students as for Foam. By developing new public programmes, workshops, meetings and events, the team will have a practical role in Foam for the future.

most recent activities

MBO in Foam

Since 2013, Foam has analysed its programmes for MBO students. Throughout the year's, Foam sees the number of visitors going up, but to connect on an individual level is more complicated. In addition to the fixed school programmes, Foam reaches out to the MBO student by initiating extra-curricular programmes, where a more sustainable relationship with a specific institution is realised, as Foam Fusion – Strike a pose,Look across the Water! and Foam ForwardWith Your Foam, Foam creates a fitting programme where the input of the individual student is essential.

Your Foam is a close collaboration with a few study programmes of ROC TOP, ROC of Amsterdam and Mediacollege Amsterdam.

Your Foam is supported by Fonds 21, VSB Fonds and Lerak Foundation.

In 2022 Foam receives additional support from the Mondriaan Fund and receives a contribution through the Mondriaan Fund from the Ministerie van OCW.

explore connections

Your Foam